Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Green - the colour often associated with the environment, trees, plants, leaves, grass, freshness, naïveté, "grass", religion/Islam, activism etc.. it's also my mother's favourite colour.

Last night was a rare night.
A last-minute change of plans resulted in an order-in (Nando's !!!) + DVD night.

"Leaves of Grass" was picked for one reason - Ed Norton.
It turned out to be a combo of comedy, great acting and suprisingly thought provoking (violent at times) themes - brotherhood, small town vs big city family issues, drugs and trade, and Christians vs Jews, set in Oklahoma (red neck country).

Good entertainment overall.

I decided to research further.
Tim Blake Nelson, the writer/director of the film, who acted as one of the Ed Norton twins' best friend, was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and of Jewish descent. His mother was a local activist.... explains a few things about some of the themes.

For me, the strange thing is - during the time when we watched the film, a fleet of boats of humanitarian activists were under attack by Israelis navy out at sea on international waters, while attempting to deliver aids to Gaza.

check out #flotilla on twitter

One of those things that causes my brain to spin a little.
Naïveté, religion/Islam, activism...
Violence, disregards for human rights, assholes..
Everyone should have more "grass".


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