Saturday, January 2, 2010

020110 preoccupation

Hello rush.. Hello train..
missing train by 7 steps..
Hello preoccupation with pirates n gypsies..
hello rush.. Hello plane..
missing is such a drag..

It took a drag(queen) and some minor begging, to let me check in ..
Even though counter lights were off and she was just preoccupied minesweeping..
Nice drags are 'she's..
Missing can be nice drags.... A drag is still a drag

It's a strange thing, this preoccupation.. Almost like a friend.. Yet acts like a fiend..
Sets up the pose, then missing the action
Braves up the rose.. then forget the note!

They r peculiar, my preoccupations.. Like drugs wif misprescriptons..
Turns a minor genuis to a major dope.. In certain company..
Coolness on crush to a sloppy soap.. Lets slip the lady..

Viscious.. them preoccupations..
Shows a writer' lunacy and a sucker clarity
Gives focused ability while slices versatility

Preoccupation kills the Jack..
Missing is still a drag..

Sent via dCrackberry

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